
Diddley, diddley, diddley

A trip to the land of Leprechauns

The first official Tav's Tour trip abroad took in a trip to Ireland.

We based ourselves in Killarney, a Disney version of Ireland. Every pub had musicians of varying talents playing to lure in the tourists from the coach tours. In most pubs we found bemused tourists nursing a half of Guinness. While the town may have been false the surrounding countryside certainly wasn't.

Day 1 took in two of the Highest Mountains in Ireland, in Caher and Carantoonhill. Having missed very obvious car park and parked on the side of the road (we usually get lost in the car park - this time we failed to find it), the start saw an immediate slog up a steep hill. Thursday's alcohol intake was pretty high so this was immediately hard work. Dave E was particularly feeling the strain (probably the third bottle of red) but as we neared the top of Caher....

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